Dead Money

SELECT thoughts FROM paul ORDER BY rand()

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Check out the new site! The All Native MySpace.

Within the first 2 weeks of the site, there are over 200 members!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Maybe I Can Save You Some Time

If you were considering staring the new Inheritance trilogy by Christopher Paolini, don't! I have some DVD's you can borrow to watch - it will be the same thing!

After hearing alot of hype about the new trilogy I decided to give it a try. The first book took me a long time to get into. The characters lack depth. They are all stern and serious with no humor. It made me miss the comic relief of Doby or Jar Jar Binks!

But by the middle of the first book I was enjoying the story. I wanted to know what was going to happen to these characters. And so I bought the second book.

Then almost at the end I figured it out! I did like this story! In fact I love this story!!

Let me see if I can briefly summarize it for you.

Eragon is an orphan living far from any major cities. He doesn't know anything about his parents, but lives with his uncle. Then one day he finds a rock that turns out to be a dragon egg. The dragon hatches for him, and Eragon becomes a dragon rider.

The riders are an ancient ban that keep peace over the world. But they were destroyed by an evil overlord and his sidekick. King Galbatorix and Morzan team up and kill the other riders and form the Empire (starting to catch on yet?).

So Eragon is the last hope for the world. A old, storyteller in his village helps Eragon learn about magic and being a rider. Braum had hid in the village waiting for Eragon. The Empire learns that Eragon has the dragon and sends troops after him. The two escape but the Empire destory his home and kill his uncle.

During Eragon's first journey away from home Braum is killed. But he instructs Eragon to go vist the elfs in a far off land. There he can complete his training. Before his death Braum gives Eragon a sword called Zaroc.

There are of course lots of battles and twists along the way, but Eragon finds another old rider that has been in hiding from the Empire. But Eragon sees a vision of his friends in danger and has to leave before his training is complete.

During this battle he flys to join, Eragon learns that his father is none other than Morzan. The rider that helped Gallbatorix destroy the riders! And Zaroc is his father's sword!

Wow that is an incredible story! No wonder I got hooked!

It's just a rip off of Star Wars without the great storytelling of Lucas!

So save yourself some time and money! Watch the Star Wars DVD's.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Help a crippled child!

Yesterday Kelli, Brooke and I rode in the Sumter Christmas Parade with the Jamil Jets.

The Shriners do amazing work! They work tirelessly to raise money for the Shriner Hospitals across the country. Every child that is admitted to hospital recives treatment for free!

In this age of rising healthcare costs, the Shriners maintain a network of hospitals that operate with no cost to thier patients! That's a modern miracle!

Riding with them Sunday, I felt really proud of the work my parents have done over the years! In fact my dad was wearing a new medal showing that he's raised over $20,000 himself!

If you know a Shriner, tell them thanks for the work they do!

For more infomation about the hospitals, visit:

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Can this really happen in SC?

AP Wire | 12/01/2005 | Florence considers banning smoking in restaurants

It took us 2 days in Hawaii to realize that all the resturants were non smoking! It was so nice not to have the smell of second hand smoke ruining a good meal!

But I never thought it could even be considered in SC.

Let's all cross our fingers!