Dead Money

SELECT thoughts FROM paul ORDER BY rand()

Thursday, May 19, 2005

What An Ending!

Last night I had the good fortune to see the end of the 20 year saga. And what an ending it was! For me this is the perfect closing to the story!

Two hours of almost non stop action! Can you keep count of the villains in this one? General grievous, Palpatine, Dooku, and...Anakin. And this one had more lightsaber battles than the original trilogy combined! Wow!!

Episode I and II left me feeling that Lucas had lost site of the story by creating plot holes big enough for the Falcon to fly through. He has done a great job tying up the loose ends. Some are tied off with a quick one liner, others are explained by unveiling just how evil and scheming the Sith is! There are still small holes left in the story such as why R2-D2 doesn't recognize Ben or why Ben doesn't recognize either droid. While his character development and plot progression pales to J.K Rowling, I'm feeling much more satisfied than after seeing Episode I.

Hayden Christensen still doesn't deliver an Oscar performance, but I did have empathy for Anakin. You can feel his mental and emotional struggles. Watching Episode IV now, I can picture Hayden under the mask. He has connected the character from the young boy on Tatooine to the evil Lord of Episode IV.

The biggest compliment I can give this movie is that it has solved my dilemma. I've debated on whether to show my daughter Brooke Episode IV first or Episode I. I now know. She will have to start with A New Hope. Revenge of the Sith is the ending of the saga!

And for the Jar Jar fans, he does poke his head in a couple of lines though! With no cheesy dialogue like the Pod Race commentary, no Jar Jar moments, a great story, jaw dropping visuals, and a new caliber of action, this is the movie we've been waiting.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The end is near!

After years of waiting, the Star Wars saga ends this week!

I'll be heading to the midnite showing of Episode III. Can't wait, but sad to see it end!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

2005 Gathering of Nations

Kelli and I had a great time at this year's Gathering of Nations! And beside staying 2 nights in a terrible hotel, we had no problems. Thanks to the GON Committee for thier hospitatilty!

Here are the photos and videos from the weekend: