Dead Money

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Monday, September 12, 2005

Weekend of Moral Victories

It was a weekend of moral victories for me!

First USC played pretty well in their game against Georgia. I expected a blowout. My score prediction was 45-10. I was elated to be wrong on this one! We were able to compete with a top 10 team. And a couple of less mistakes by us and we win the game!!

At the same time I played in a poker tournament. I helped host a 13 person tournament for Joe Davis's wedding. It was the worse night of cards I've ever seen. I played for over 2 hours before I won a pot. My best pocket pair all night was 5's. And I won a nice sized pot with them--hitting trips on the turn. The only "premium hand" I had all night was AK. And it was unsuited!! A jack came on the flop, and I had a pretty good read that my oppenent had a jack. He confirmed it after I laid down big slick. Most of the night I was looking at 23, 42, 52, 93, etc. But with all those bad cards I was able to finish in 6th-1 out of the money. Not bad for a night of bad cards. I was happy with my discipline not to get impatient and chase flops!


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